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Safeguard the Children/ Proteccion a los Niños
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Faith Formation | Formación en la Fé
Baptism / Bautismo
First Communion / Primera Comunión
Confirmation / Confirmación
Adult Sacraments / Sacramentos para Adultos
Community | Comunidad
Gather | Reunir
Women's Group / Grupo de Mujeres
Grupo de Oración Getsemaní
Lost & Found
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Knights of Columbus
Ministry to the Sick / Ministerio a los Enfermos
Liturgical Ministries / Ministerios Liturgicos
School Alumni
Parish Hall / Salon Parroquial
Hall Rental Form
Fall Fiesta
Fall Fiesta Vendor Application
Tiếng Việt
Các Bí Tích
Danh Sách Mục Vụ Cộng Đoàn
Giáo Lý - Việt Ngữ
Ca doan Ave Maria
Thông Báo
Các trang mạng hữu ích
Giving / Donaciones
Home | Inicio
About Us
Staff / Personal
Contact Us / Contacto
School / Escuela
Online Transactions
Learn More / Aprende más
Bulletins / Boletines
Safeguard the Children/ Proteccion a los Niños
Welcome / Bienvenidos
Faith Formation | Formación en la Fé
Baptism / Bautismo
First Communion / Primera Comunión
Confirmation / Confirmación
Adult Sacraments / Sacramentos para Adultos
Community | Comunidad
Gather | Reunir
Women's Group / Grupo de Mujeres
Grupo de Oración Getsemaní
Lost & Found
Youth Ministry
Serve | Servir
Knights of Columbus
Ministry to the Sick / Ministerio a los Enfermos
Liturgical Ministries / Ministerios Liturgicos
School Alumni
Parish Hall / Salon Parroquial
Fall Fiesta
Tiếng Việt
Các Bí Tích
Danh Sách Mục Vụ Cộng Đoàn
Giáo Lý - Việt Ngữ
Ca doan Ave Maria
Thông Báo
Các trang mạng hữu ích
Yr2 Class
6:00 PM
7:30 PM